Breathing is so important in anxiety and panic clients. We will be incorporating breathing control and breathe work in our hypnotherapy.
We will instil a strong anchor(coping mechanism) that will help you in any situation.
We will use clinical hypnotherapy and analytical hypnotherapy so you can have a better future.
Would you like to learn how hypnotherapy can help you to overcome your anxiety/ panic?

Panic, anxiety, nervousness, fright, fear and agitation. I wonder how many of these you feel during an attack?
When you get that feeling, that sense that something is wrong; even if there is nothing wrong; and the panic starts, I wonder where does it start? Does it start with a thought or a feeling and what behaviour happens then? Or perhaps you're constantly in a state just below the surface. Is the panic triggered by work, home, socially or related to specific people or events without logical reason? Those thoughts, feelings, behaviours and images are always there waiting to come out no matter how hard you try to suppress them. Those feelings make you feel isolated even in a relationship. Everything seems to be spiralling. What about
free floating anxiety, meaning that it is free from any known cause and just literally floated within the mind.
Symptoms and feelings
Do you feel that your heart beats alarmingly quickly, like palpitations? Breathing rate increases? Suffer air hunger? Tingling sensation? Hot or cold flushes in parts of the body? Panic struck? Some or all of these are felt by nearly everyone suffering an attack. Isn't it time to change, to change those thoughts, feelings, behaviours and images to better suit you? Now it's time to leave them in the past, to reset and move forward, living the life you want to live.
Hypnosis is not an end product rather it is the beginning of something else. Allow yourself now to imagine those new beginnings; having positive thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviours. How would that feel to you? Imagine having a tangible reason to change. I wonder what tangible reason we will have for you that allows you to change easily, so that you can leave your panic and anxiety in the past and begin to enjoy life again.
Hypnotherapy for Panic and anxiety
Hypnotherapy can change those negative thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviours so that you can have a new beginning.